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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Disgrace of U.S. Immigration by Donna Kutlus

I realise this is going to open a can of worms, but I need to rant about this once and for all.
For me this isn't an issue of administration or parties, (though there is a bit of overlap there) my issue is with the overwhelming power given to tinpot dictator bureaucrats who have sweeping authority to use their power to cause people trouble for no other reason than because they can. It's easier for them to boost their numbers and meet their "quotas" for how many "suspect terrorists" and "possible illegal aliens" they keep from entering our borders by actually refusing entrance to valid travellers. This includes harrassing and insulting travelers, subjecting them to strip searches, intimidating or threatening behavior, calling people liars and refusing to look at the travelers documentation, using the traveler's round-trip tickets to send them back to where they flew from without allowing them to call friends or family who may be waiting for them at their destination, or arrange for anyone to pick them up back at their point of origin.

We also have such a ridiculous issue of bureaucratic nonsense for people trying to follow the rules on legally entering this country either because they had the audacity to fall in love with someone from another country in the first place or they might wish to work here and someone may wish to hire them as say, an aeronautical engineer, high-school teacher or pediatrician. These are people with excellent credentials, no legal issues or problems and the financial wherewithal to provide for themselves and be a productive member of whatever community they choose to be part of. Then there are the people who merely wish to work in their country and come to this country regularly because they would like to enjoy our culture as artists or historians or whavtever they have a particular interest in.
These people are given hundreds of hoops to jump through, insulted, treated with suspicion, disrespect and insults (for wanting to come to our country, work here, pay taxes! What nerve!) and threatened with deportation and permanent separation from those they love if they even so much as "step out of line". Since "stepping out of line" could be construed as dealing with a cranky immigration official who hasn't had their daily cup of java yet, didn't "get some" from their spouse the night before, or is just plain po-ed that someone may be doing something that makes them happy and they are miserable f***s that want to spread a little unhappiness around, this makes things for anyone doing business with them really stressful and uncertain, to say the least!
NOW what really gets me frosty are all of the people here ILLEGALLY who get educations, housing, phones, health and dental care, WIC, energy assistance from our government officials, NOT TO MENTION all of the bleeding heart charities who won't give the time of day to someone who's trying to follow the rules! AND illegal aliens are eligible for free college educations!!!! I can't get a FREE college education! Neither can my children! I've worked since I was 15, graduated HS with excellent SAT's and as a semi-finalist on the NMS, served in the military for 5 years and then raised my children. I can't get into the really nice new housing rentals around the town I live in because by their standards I make too much money. But 36% of the people who live in the one across the street from my old apartment building are illegal and on welfare as well as making money under the table from everything from waitressing to mechanics. They are also involved in over half of the breakins, auto thefts, vandalism, and drug dealing as well as assaults and domestic violence over there.

People who try to follow the byzantine rules of our immigration system are punished and treated with disdain while people who flagrantly break the law are fawned over and catered too as if they are deserving better treatment than those of us who actually were born, work and pay taxes here.
Our legislators have given such broad powers to agencies such as Immigration Services, Homeland Security (as well as the IRS, EPA and CPS, but those are other rants) it's hard to see any way back. When our bureaucrats treat those who should be treated as friends as possible criminals because they are easy targets and make the numbers look good while brushing the hard work under the rug for whatever reason, .... well, it's just da** pathetic.

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